Delta Kappa Gamma
Alpha Iota Chapter
November 12, 2015
In President Ann Hall’s absence Vice President Linda Lipp presided over the November meeting. Linda welcomed the 20 members to the Columbiana Library. Jane Ramsey gave a moving invocation. The group enjoyed appetizers and drink which were provided by the members.
The Minutes were reviewed and accepted with Barb Lipp making the motion and Sharon Walker seconding. Sharon Walker presented the Treasurer’s Report. The previous balance was $3735.90 there was a deposit of $1903.00, $741.00, and $165.00 bring the balance to $ 6544.90. Expenses for the month were $23.48 for flowers and the payment of dues of $1966.06 with the new balance of $4578.84. One member paid her dues late and needed to be reinstated and dues paid to Delta Kappa Gamma State which changed the checking account balance to $4480.44. Nancy Dicken made the motion with Sandy Forbes seconding that Alpha Iota members accepted with regrets dropping Veronica Kotel and Linda Dickson for the membership. Barbara Marra and Kathryn Spillman were both placed on the reserve list. The group accepted the treasures report.
Sharon Walker read a correspondence from Kathryn Spillman thanking the group for the gift and card for her 100th birthday. Amy Johnston read a correspondence from Lois Chandler thanking the group for the birthday card, she turned 90 years old this past August.
Nancy Dicken made a motion that Alpha Iota should donate $100.00 in the name of Kathryn Spillman to Crestview School Alumni Association to be used to purchase books for the Library. Loretta Davidson seconded the motion, all the ladies voted yes.
Sue Weber-Nape commented on the wonderful time the group had last month at Mercer’s Catalpa Grove Farm and that the group would love to go back again.
The next meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma will be on December 9, 2015 at the First United Presbyterian Church of East Palestine at 6:00 P.M. Each member is to bring non-perishable food items that will be donated to the Way Station. After a little winter break the next meeting will be on March 10, 2016 at Yellow Creek Presbyterian Church, Wellsville, Ohio. The members are asked to bring a covered dish.
Amy Johnson made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second made by Connie Beadnell.
We had a wonderful program presented by Dick Zitto. He showed us how physics is in our everyday life. He introduced and had us do different activities involving physics. What a wonderful hands on lesson to use with students to help them learn and understand physics.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Todd, Secretary
The Minutes were reviewed and accepted with Barb Lipp making the motion and Sharon Walker seconding. Sharon Walker presented the Treasurer’s Report. The previous balance was $3735.90 there was a deposit of $1903.00, $741.00, and $165.00 bring the balance to $ 6544.90. Expenses for the month were $23.48 for flowers and the payment of dues of $1966.06 with the new balance of $4578.84. One member paid her dues late and needed to be reinstated and dues paid to Delta Kappa Gamma State which changed the checking account balance to $4480.44. Nancy Dicken made the motion with Sandy Forbes seconding that Alpha Iota members accepted with regrets dropping Veronica Kotel and Linda Dickson for the membership. Barbara Marra and Kathryn Spillman were both placed on the reserve list. The group accepted the treasures report.
Sharon Walker read a correspondence from Kathryn Spillman thanking the group for the gift and card for her 100th birthday. Amy Johnston read a correspondence from Lois Chandler thanking the group for the birthday card, she turned 90 years old this past August.
Nancy Dicken made a motion that Alpha Iota should donate $100.00 in the name of Kathryn Spillman to Crestview School Alumni Association to be used to purchase books for the Library. Loretta Davidson seconded the motion, all the ladies voted yes.
Sue Weber-Nape commented on the wonderful time the group had last month at Mercer’s Catalpa Grove Farm and that the group would love to go back again.
The next meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma will be on December 9, 2015 at the First United Presbyterian Church of East Palestine at 6:00 P.M. Each member is to bring non-perishable food items that will be donated to the Way Station. After a little winter break the next meeting will be on March 10, 2016 at Yellow Creek Presbyterian Church, Wellsville, Ohio. The members are asked to bring a covered dish.
Amy Johnson made the motion to adjourn the meeting with a second made by Connie Beadnell.
We had a wonderful program presented by Dick Zitto. He showed us how physics is in our everyday life. He introduced and had us do different activities involving physics. What a wonderful hands on lesson to use with students to help them learn and understand physics.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Todd, Secretary