Delta Kappa Gamma
September 9, 2014
Camp Fredrick, Rogers, Ohio
Officers Present: Ann Hall, Linda Lipp, Jackie Mercer, Amy Johnson, Sharon Walker, and Pam Todd..
Guests, Justin and Kaitlin Landry
An Invocation was given by our guest speaker Justin Landry, with the traditional Invocation given by Jane Ramsey.
After sharing a wonderful dinner provided by the members, President Ann Hall called the meeting to order.
Kathryn Walters made the motion to accept the May Minutes. The motion was properly seconded. The motion was approved with the following corrections:
Rose Castiglioni year of membership needed to be changed to 60
The word induction was changed to Installation
A motion was made Nancy Dicken, seconded by Linda Lipp, to accept the August Minutes with a correction. The motion was approved.
Old Business
The members presented their donated baskets for the Fund Raiser for the October meeting.
The members voted on possible service project. The results of the balloting will be reported later. The service project choices where:
Blankets for Senior Students in the Foster Program
Lisbon Moms
Meals on Wheels Placemats
Food Drives for the holidays
An updated list of committees was handed out.
Linda Lipp introduced the guest speaker Justin Landry. He spoke about Camp Fredrick and its timeline, past, present, and future. Mr. Landry’s comments were appreciated by all.
Jackie Mercer told us about her trip to Mississippi. Jackie is arranging for a speaker concerning the topic, “Emmett Till,” scheduled to be presented on March 26, 2015.
New Business
Sharon Walker presented the Treasurers Report: Delta Kappa Gamma has $3,892.47 in the Checking Account and $1,338.41 in the Savings Account.
Alana Bittner presented service pins to Connie Beadnell, for 25 years of membership, and Amy Johnson, for 30 years of membership
Alana Bittner installed the two officers not installed in the May meeting; Amy Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, and Pamela Todd, Recording Secretary.
Ann Hall presented Veronica Kotel for Installation into Delta Kappa Gamma. Ann Hall, Jackie Mercer, Linda Lipp, and Alana Bittner performed the honors in the installation ceremony.
Singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma song was led by Linda Lipp.
Barb Lipp made the motion to adjourn the meeting with the second made by Sandy Forbes and Amy Johnson. The motion was approved by all.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Todd, Recording Secretary
September 9, 2014
Camp Fredrick, Rogers, Ohio
Officers Present: Ann Hall, Linda Lipp, Jackie Mercer, Amy Johnson, Sharon Walker, and Pam Todd..
Guests, Justin and Kaitlin Landry
An Invocation was given by our guest speaker Justin Landry, with the traditional Invocation given by Jane Ramsey.
After sharing a wonderful dinner provided by the members, President Ann Hall called the meeting to order.
Kathryn Walters made the motion to accept the May Minutes. The motion was properly seconded. The motion was approved with the following corrections:
Rose Castiglioni year of membership needed to be changed to 60
The word induction was changed to Installation
A motion was made Nancy Dicken, seconded by Linda Lipp, to accept the August Minutes with a correction. The motion was approved.
Old Business
The members presented their donated baskets for the Fund Raiser for the October meeting.
The members voted on possible service project. The results of the balloting will be reported later. The service project choices where:
Blankets for Senior Students in the Foster Program
Lisbon Moms
Meals on Wheels Placemats
Food Drives for the holidays
An updated list of committees was handed out.
Linda Lipp introduced the guest speaker Justin Landry. He spoke about Camp Fredrick and its timeline, past, present, and future. Mr. Landry’s comments were appreciated by all.
Jackie Mercer told us about her trip to Mississippi. Jackie is arranging for a speaker concerning the topic, “Emmett Till,” scheduled to be presented on March 26, 2015.
New Business
Sharon Walker presented the Treasurers Report: Delta Kappa Gamma has $3,892.47 in the Checking Account and $1,338.41 in the Savings Account.
Alana Bittner presented service pins to Connie Beadnell, for 25 years of membership, and Amy Johnson, for 30 years of membership
Alana Bittner installed the two officers not installed in the May meeting; Amy Johnson, Corresponding Secretary, and Pamela Todd, Recording Secretary.
Ann Hall presented Veronica Kotel for Installation into Delta Kappa Gamma. Ann Hall, Jackie Mercer, Linda Lipp, and Alana Bittner performed the honors in the installation ceremony.
Singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma song was led by Linda Lipp.
Barb Lipp made the motion to adjourn the meeting with the second made by Sandy Forbes and Amy Johnson. The motion was approved by all.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Todd, Recording Secretary