Delta Kappa Gamma
Alpha Iota Chapter
September 15, 2015
President Ann Hall welcomed the members to East Fairfield Methodist Church. Jane Ramsey gave the Invocation. After eating a wonderful meal of lasagna which was prepared by the Ladies of the church the group proceeded with the meeting.
The Minutes from the May and July meetings were read and approved with Connie Beadnell and Jackie Mercer making the motion and second to accept the Minutes. Sharon Walker presenting the Treasurer’s Report. As of June 30, 2015 the checking has $4265.30, July $300.00 was taken out with a balance of $3965.00, with the same balance for August. The saving account has $1338.54. Karen Moore moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report with Nancy Dicken seconding it.
Alpha Iota received correspondence from Cris Lamoncha thanking the group for their concerns and thoughts while his wife, Charmaine was fighting cancer. Maralyn Porter thanked the group for their sympathy regarding the loss of her beloved Mother.
The group was reminded that the next meeting would be held at Mercer’s Catalpa Groves Farm. Each person should bring a pair of gloves and a container to plant in. They should also bring $15.00 which will cover the plants and soil. Amy Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting with Linda Lipp seconded the motion.
A presentation made by Ann Hall, Jackie Mercer, James Hall, and Lydia Ash, covering their summer trip to London, Paris, and Madrid.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Todd Secretary